Throughout high school, pretty much every student could use some help. This is your last stop before college, and you need to find a way to make your application stand out to your dream schools. One of the best things you can do for yourself is work with a tutor who will help you bring up your grades and prepare you for the big exams. As an Erie senior photographer, I get the chance to chat with lots of students who have gone through this exact situation. Here are the locations for tutoring in Erie, PA I always recommend!
7200 Peach Street, Unit 440, Erie, Pennsylvania 16509
Since first opening its doors over 40 years ago, Sylvan Learning Center has become one of the most trusted tutoring companies in the country. They have an Erie, PA tutoring location where you will be matched with a tutor who has the tricks to help you succeed. You will complete an assessment so they can create a personal and adaptive learning plan. They have guaranteed results and are some of the best-rated in the industry. They are here for test prep and assistance with different topics.
Tutoring to Go is an Erie, PA center that was started by Dr. Erin Pizzo. This company is dedicated to providing you with tutoring help that works for your busy schedule. They have flexible hours and can help you find convenient places to meet. You will receive an individualized learning plan that looks at how you can improve. They know how to work with different learning styles and will help you develop methods that will help the info stick. You can also get assistance with college entrance exams.
One Stop Special Ed Shop is the perfect tutoring option for younger Erie, PA students looking to get a leg up on their studies. The company was founded by Dani, an elementary school teacher. Dani helps students in kindergarten through eighth grade. Dani works one-on-one to help students overcome their struggles and find ways to make learning more accessible. She offers reading and math assistance. She also creates her own products that will help your student learn from home.
4701 Old Zuck Road, Erie, Pennsylvania 16505
Compass is a tutoring company that was founded to help Erie, PA students battling with dyslexia. The organization is a non-profit and brings in some of the top professionals. They offer help for students from kindergarten through high school. You will have two sessions each week that last one hour each. Their tutors use evidence-based methods that are flexible and customized to each student. They want to help you find the confidence you need to succeed.
With these centers for tutoring in Erie, PA, you will have the help you need to be prepared for college. As for celebrating all your accomplishments so far, that’s where I come in! As an Erie photographer, I adore working with students to provide sessions that show off their personality as well as their achievements. If you’ve been considering booking your session, let’s have a conversation so you can decide if I’m the one to help you make some memories!